Embroidered Equipment Bags

36.97 ex VAT 43.99 inc VAT
43.99 inc VAT
This robust and compact model is the perfect backpack for the active Budoka.
In stock
Multi Pack Savings
Quantity 1+ 1+ 1+
Price (Each) ex VAT 36.97 36.97 36.97
36.97 ex VAT 43.99 inc VAT
43.99 inc VAT
Ideally suited to fit inside most gym lockers, this conveniently sized, compact bag, is ideal to carry your kit when a larger bag could prove a burden.
In stock
Multi Pack Savings
Quantity 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
Price (Each) ex VAT 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97
44.54 ex VAT 53.00 inc VAT
53.00 inc VAT
Ideally suited to fit inside most gym lockers, this compact bag with extra drop bottom zipped compartment is a great solution to fit in all of your training kit without increasing the bags footprint.
In stock
Multi Pack Savings
Quantity 1+ 1+
Price (Each) ex VAT 44.54 44.54
39.50 ex VAT 47.01 inc VAT
47.01 inc VAT

This vintage style Sahara holdall is a fantastic quality item with a choice of embroidered Kanji and Kamon available.

In stock
Multi Pack Savings
Quantity 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
Price (Each) ex VAT 39.50 39.50 39.50 39.50 39.50
39.50 ex VAT 47.01 inc VAT
47.01 inc VAT
This large sports holdall with a choice of embroidered Kanji is perfect for those with a lot of equipment to carry.
In stock
Multi Pack Savings
Quantity 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
Price (Each) ex VAT 39.50 39.50 39.50 39.50 39.50