The light-weight Miyabi® Aikidogi Jacket is the perfect option for hot weather training.
A premium quality Hakama from Miyabi, this model has been specially developed to fulfil the needs of Aikido practitioners.
Innovative and practical, these trousers are a great solution for wearing beneath a traditional Hakama.
Classic navy cotton Tabi with a leather sole.
Often worn as traditional style casual wear in Japan, Samue originated as comfortable yet simple monk’s working uniform for daily duties.
Heavyweight hooded sweatshirts with embroidered Kanji and Kamon.
Natural Red Oak all-purpose Bokken for Kendo Kata and other sword arts.
Red oak Shoto, suited for Kendo Kata and general Kodachi practice. Total legth 56cm.
White oak Iwama Daito specially designed for Aikido practice.
Keishi Ryu Daito is a heavy Bokken utilised by the famously robust Japanese police in their own martial training.
White oak Daito designed for practice of Shindo Ryu.
Top quality deluxe Orizashi weapons bag.
Top quality canvas fold over style weapons bag with embroidered Heijoshin (calm constant spirit) Kanji.
Outstanding Hasu sword bag built from hard wearing woven nylon fabric with a padded lining and suitable for a single sword (max. length up to 2.60 Shaku) with a fixed Tsuba.
This outstanding Hasu sword bag is built from hard wearing woven nylon fabric with a padded lining and is suitable for two swords with fixed Tsuba.
This vintage style Sahara holdall is a fantastic quality item with a choice of embroidered Kanji and Kamon available.
Classic Tetron Montsuki Kimono and cotton Shitagi.
Minosaka are a famous Japanese Iaito manufacturer with decades of experience in producing swords built specially for Iaido practice.
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